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Showing posts from January 24, 2016

NONNIE'S PHOTO A DAY, Day 30: Maple Tree Shadow

afternoon shadow maple tree’s trunk extended by Old Sol’s brightness linked to SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY 2 hosted this week by Chubskulit Rose

NONNIE'S PHOTO A DAY, Day 29 : Country Reflection

backyard reflection laboring hard at his chores result? job well done linking to James'  WEEKEND REFLECTIONS #331  

NONNIE'S PHOTO A DAY, Day 28: Orchid Retrospect

orchid retrospect delicate magnificence bloom... par excellence  Feeling the cold so my memory wandered back to my time  last summer at Rinard's Orchid Greenhouse.  Details can be found here . 

NONNIE'S PHOTO A DAY, Day 27: Ground-breaking Date

1963 ground-breaking date of our church St. Mary, Muncie linking to Lesley's  SIGNS, SIGNS

NONNI'E'S PHOTO A DAY, Day 26: C is for Chicken

Candice’s chicken Penelope is her name Isn’t she lovely? sharing with ABC WEDNESDAY hosted this week by Reader Wil

NONNIE'S PHOTO A DAY, Day 25: For Carpe Diem #904 Kazahana

snowflakes floating down undaunted by their presence, bird’s eating persists sharing with Kristjaan's CARPE DIEM #904 KAZAHANA

NONNIE'S PHOTO A DAY, Day 24: Shadows on Snow

distinct shadowed lines cast by the sun’s dazzling rays  from vivid blue sky   linking to SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY 2 hosted this week by MMT