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Showing posts from November 17, 2013

Weekend Reflections #217: Sissie & the Bird Bath

just sitting imagining… “birds,  where are they?” “oh, well, no matter, I might as well drink water before it is gone." joining with the one and only James and his Weekend Reflections

Signs, Signs: Store in Mall

peeking into Carson's Santa's deer regaled in gold "fur" sprinkled "snowflakes" Carson's at the mall leading us toward Santa's sleigh reflected above linked to Lesley's  Signs, Signs  

ABC Wednesday: Set for Santa's Appearance

scenery set for Santa at the Muncie Mall simulated shiny snow empty seat ready, scenery set for Santa , date of appearance? linking to ABC Wednesday created by Mrs. Nesbitt, with Roger as administrator hosted this week by Leslie

My Account in the Midst of a Storm

Sunday, November 17, 2013 darkening sky, terrifying wind! tornado warning on the radio, and in the air via siren blaring. hurrying to my bathroom, praying all the while that the lack of windows there will provide shelter. high winds threaten us who abide in mobile homes, bringing forth the desire for REAL shelter in the arms of our Savior. tornado warnings lapse yet tornado watch persists till 8 p.m. as darkness creeps over our city. making it harder to reckon any danger. yet my heart pounds, wanting to shout, "Move on, fierce Wind! I've had enough of this fearsome weather." again, this time in a whisper, "Push the storm away, please, Lord." once more  the rain is  pummeling my home. are my neighbors joining me in prayer? "Where two or three are assembled, I am there," assures my Lord. must we be in the same room, or will close vicinity, as in our bl...

Postcards from Paradise: Massage Lesson

Having been recently certified to teach others how to massage their infants, Aunt Chrissie hones her technique by teaching her niece Charley how to massage her month old baby Leannah. could tiny baby Leannah be cheering here? answer, possibly! lots more going on besides a soothing massage, boosting muscle strength... Go here to view more benefits of massaging babies. more Postcards from Paradise hosted by the gracious Rebecca