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Showing posts from September 15, 2013

World Gratitude Day

    World Gratitude Day A strange concept, being thankful around the globe just one day a year out of 365 days! In the past, I have written in my journal five things for which  I am appreciative on a daily basis. However, I do see the virtue of proclaiming a World Gratitude Day … clarifying to everyone, that no matter our economic status,  where we live,  in what kind of abode in which we dwell,  our outer shell's appearance,  what religious faith we practice,  each of us  has reasons to be grateful. In addition, I include a quote here from my daily devotional, the Magnificat : “We who take access to words for granted  should pause to be grateful to those  who preserved the Gospel words  so carefully  and spread them to the utmost bounds of the world  without benefit of the printing press  or instantaneous media.” ~ Magnificat : Saturday morning, September 21~

Haiku My Heart: Harvest Moon

harvest moon lighting my path way through the night facts about the Harvest Moon can be found here harvest moonlight edited with Holga stunning result harvest moon  hiding in the tree show yourself! linked lovingly to Haiku My Heart hosted by dear Rebecca and linked to Weekly Top Shot #101

License Plate: JAYS 26

license plate with Jays 26 the message? Just teasing! I know the meaning of it. My friends are the parents  of Adam Lind who plays for the Toronto Blue Jays. my Jays teddy bear a gift from Adam's parents to tell the good news!   (of Adam's signing with the Blue Jays) Details about Adam Lind can be found here , here   and here .

ABC Wednesday: J as in Jungle

as I gazed upon my photos, the mental connection to a "jungle"  popped into my brain! fallen limbs, river flowing through, vines connecting, drooping it's surely the closest I'll ever come to a jungle!  I savored walking  the river trail yesterday. temperature was in the 60s warm enough to wear a denim shirt sights changed from the last trek perhaps I let my imagination run wild, but I was feeling pleased and glad to be mobile. Here's an extra photo I had fun editing: linking with great pleasure to ABC WEDNESDAY hosted by Roger created by Mrs. Nesbitt

Mornings with Mary: My Journey

our angels dressed for their baptism: Derek Hunter, Alison Blair, Charles Herbert II (aka Chip) A reader commented on this post about a possibility of a story. So here it is.  I hope the reader is not disappointed. My searching for somewhere to worship God began when I was in grade school. I went to church with various  friends. I did not find my place till I was in junior high school.   The name of the house of worship was Avondale Methodist Church. Sunday mornings I went to Sunday School, then church, and come evening time,  I attended MYF (Methodist Youth Fellowship). I was also active in the church choir. Later, as an adult my momma reminded me that  I had considered converting to Catholicism.   But I had told her that it sounded too hard. Oddly, I have no memory of this, but there is no reason for her to tell me that and it not be true. This Methodist church continued to be my home base up through the time I was married. Then my husband and I switched ...

Signs of Autumn

shadows loom, impending changes, new season! linking with Shadow Shot Sunday 2 hosted this week by Magical Mystical Teacher autumn signs approaching with zeal welcome, fall!  all these photos were shot before I entered my parish church last evening