outside Earth Fare sunlit sky, seen in reflection, day was blessed! more lovely sky at Petunia's Himmelsk linked to James' Weekend Reflections #200 vegans' food delight, Earth Fare , organic grocer amazing choices Granddaughter who lives in Carmel likes this grocery store because she has recently opted for being a vegan. I admire her for this decision. I was surprised to see such an enormous store that specializes in oranically grown food. Her sister and I came to pick up food f or our supper that night. tasty, organic prepared by my granddaughter spinach pasta, yum! After I had taken the 18th photo, I pulled the plug because I wanted to eye the foods without being concerned where was the best spot to capture all the goodies. Next time I visit, I think I'll try one of these- probably the pizza. linked to Signs 2