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Showing posts from February 15, 2015

NONNIE'S PHOTO A DAY: The Beauty of Bare Trees

exquisite birch trees still lovely even when bare cast stretched out shadows shared with Straight-Out-Of-the-Camera Sunday and Shadow Shot Sunday 2 hosted by Gemma Wiseman & Magical Mystery Teacher Hoosier Quote: “The philosophy of one century  is the common sense of the next.” ~Henry Ward Beecher~

NONNIE'S WORDLE #199: My Lenten Promise

Mardi Gras- the last day of revelry before the beginning of Lent- on Ash Wednesday. I took my cue to indulge myself one last time  before Lent’s onset. Then desiring to empty myself of so many worldly pleasures and to spark my memory of past years Lenten promises,  I cracked open my documents to seek those intentions.  What can I do to be a more saintly child of God?  My mind wrestled between other years’ vows and choosing a new one. So I decided to give up playing my computer games.  The very first day- perhaps science could explain my lapse, I clicked on the Solitaire icon.  Then just as quickly, my Guardian Angel threw virtual pebbles at my head to stop playing almost before I started. Displeased with my unconscious act , I wrote myself a reminder to keep here by my computer and to keep me on track- just in case… linking to Brenda Warren's Wordle #199 on The Sunday Whirl

NONNIE'S PHOTO A DAY: Grocery & Deli Sign

here’s Downtown Farm Stand open seven days a week local foodstuff sold  Linking to: Signs, Signs James' Weekend Reflections Hoosier Quote: “The better a pie tastes, the worse it is for you.“ ~Edgar W. Howe~


How lonely I would be    left behind on my desk    an unfinished poem     in the glorious morning sun ©Fuyoka Tomita  the space where I pray time to ready myself in turn to listen with an open heart sharing with Carpe Diem Haiku hosted today by Paloma

NONNIE'S PHOTO A DAY: CARPE DIEM #671: Georges Seurat's A Sunday Afternoon

Sunday, slowed-down pace time for being with loved ones making memories    my "painting" version of A Sunday Afternoon (edited on PicMonkey to achieve this look) young’uns relishing cookies with no worries ‘bout morsels dripping crumbs sharing haikus with Kristjaan's Carpe Diem #671 sharing too with Rebecca's Haiku My Heart Hoosier Quote: “Be a life long or short,  its completeness depends on what it was lived for.” ~David Starr Jordan~

NONNIE'S PHOTO A DAY: Flag Waving on a Rainy Day

American Flag   my country’s banner unfurled, fetches a bright note  this grey rainy day joining others at ABC Wednesday created by Mrs. Nesbitt, maintained by Roger and hosted this week  by Reader Wil Hoosier Quote: “Liberty: One of imagination’s most precious possessions.” ~Ambrose Bierce~

NONNIE'S PHOTO A DAY: Sunset in the Neighborhood

breathtaking splendor exquisitely tinted sky   pause here and enjoy sharing with radiant Rebecca's Haiku My Heart Hoosier Quote: “You don’t have to peddle a good thing.” ~Frank McKinney Hubbard~ Although this quote was in the Advertising section of the book, I think it’s appropriate for my photo because I think the scene "sells" itself.

Nonnie's Haiku: Large Bathers by Paul Cezanne

nude bathers at ease no frets about any flaws tranquility reigns s haring with Kristjaan's Carpe Diem Haiku Kai


frosted window pane… layering with murkiness feasting on what ifs? what if I add bokeh? what if I posterize it? what if I leave it S-O-O-C? sharing with Gemma and Magical Mystical Teacher's Straight-Out-of-the-Camera Sunday Hoosier Quote: “Adventure is worthwhile in itself.” ~Amelia Earhart~

Carpe Diem's Time Glass: Fog Haiku

image from hushed is the city… as the fog creeps stealthily   enfolding it all sharing with Kristjaan's Carpe Diem Time Glass#21