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Showing posts from May 19, 2013

The Master's Presence

As part of my prayer time, I read from a daily devotional,  a Christmas gift given to me  by my oldest son and his dear wife.   Today's reflection hit me full square in my head!   Having been the oldest child and the oldest grandchild,  I was primed to be the fixer and leader of our family.  A few years ago, both my closest cousin and childhood neighbors  told me that I was always in charge.   To say it in 'teacher language'  I was forever the 'line leader.'   With that in mind,  you might see how difficult a time  I have in handing over my problems to someone else,  including God.  I've been aware, but being intellectually aware  does not mean that I just automatically  do what is necessary.   However, today's devotion  brings the message home to me  that nothing else has been able  to hit me where it needs to be... in my heart.   Here I am, Lord...walk with me this day. Here is tod...

Weekend Reflections #191: Candlelight

candle reflections, shining in multiple areas linked to James' Weekend Reflections

Himmelsk: Downtown Skies

darkness seen downtown, thinking  rainstorm's abrewin' no tornados, please linked to Himmelsk

Signs: Speedway

Speedway sign gas prices go up, seldom down. It's close to Memorial Day, price will raise. linked to Signs 2

ABC Wednesday: S is for Soccer

soccer game CJ, 33 playing well! CJ is one of my twin grandsons. Both CJ and Alex played well, but I never could get a close enough shot of Alex as I did this one of  CJ.  CJ and Alex's soccer patch linked to ABC WEDNESDAY

Macro Monday: Tulip

stunning pink tulip bloomed to set my heart aflame and singing with joy! linked to Macro Monday Weekly Top Shot #84

Mornings with Mary: Project Gabriel Baby Shower

Last Tuesday our Bible Study group hosted a baby shower  for the local Project Gabriel.  It is an organization that provides support for expectant mothers. Details about Project Gabriel can be found here . The name stems from the angel Gabriel who announced to Mary about her role in the birth  of our Savior. I think that it is a fitting name, don't you agree? Giving thanks to Rebecca for hosting Mornings with Mary !

Vintage Weekly: Bridal Picture

My bridal picture  was the only photo  of our wedding pictures that was shot in color.  Our wedding album, and smaller albums were composed of black and white photos. The two smaller albums were gifts to my parents and my husband's sister since both his parents were deceased.  The photographer was a customer/friend  of my momma who had just inaugurated his photo business,  having previously been a photographer for one of our local newspapers. The bridal gown was graciously loaned to me by a generous friend of my family and me. It fit perfectly!   take a peek at other  Vintage Weekly  photos