I thought that I was ready for the new year , with my one word to be my centering for the year . I also thought that my new medication for chronic depression was treating all my symptoms- fatigue, indecisiveness, trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. But, no! One symptom remains, that of indecisiveness. I discovered that whilst I was reading a blog post by someone whose writing talent I admire. Her post yesterday was entitled No Word, No Mantr a . What, no one word? No mantra? Well, in reality, the only mantra I’ve ever uttered is “Let go, let God.” I used that to settle my brain from the teaching day in order to go to sleep. Other than that, I am not into yoga, zen or whatever symbolizes meditation for people. I struggle to be silent and just be. And any way, God seems to speak to me through magazine articles, words uttered on TV and synchronicity of conversations with others, especially during discussions at Bible Study. So now what? Do I still purs