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Showing posts from November 3, 2013

Carpe Diem's Tan Renga Challenge Month #X

Atreyee’s "The Soul Drenched in Love" the Soul drenched in love seeks nothing- gives everything finds Buddha within (c) Atreyee wandering, my spirit spreads its wings  struggling to reach eternity sharing with trepidation to Carpe Diem's Haiku An aside: like the butterfly emerging,  I am taking a risk with writing tan rengas. As a first grade teacher, I knew the importance of making my classroom safe so that students would risk being wrong. It's so much easier to teach a concept than it is to practice it.

Ein Stuck Himmel #96: Autumn Splendor

feast your eyes, behold fall's splendor, then give praise more Pieces of Heaven hosted by Tina

Weekend Reflections #215: Wall of Strength

The Wall of Strength  Journey Team  Members of St. Mary Parish who completed a course, learning best how to use their gifts. These are hung on Noll Hall's walls where many parish events are held. This evening and tomorrow is the annual Ladies' Christmas Bazaar. After helping putting homemade candy into tins and bags, I was on my way home. Not having seen the plaques before, I stopped to read them. Then I perceived the marvelous  color-filled reflections, with the picture frames providing the perfect border! more Weekend Reflections with James, our gracious host

Signs, Signs: Mile Marker

White River Greenway informative mile marker whew, forty six miles! visit Signs, Signs hosted by Lesley 

Macro: Flowering Tea Leaves

waiting, wondering hot water poured, more waiting how will it appear?  flowering tea leaves presented for our pleasure of viewing and tasting Last week at writing group, our hostess surprised us with a different kind of tea. It reminded me of opening a gift. The result?  A treat for our eyes and palette! Thank you, Linda! sharing with: I Heart Macro and Macro Monday 2

Our Parish's Loss and Heaven's Gain

Last night at St. Mary Church, many parishioners gathered together for a prayer service and the recital of the Rosary in honor of Father Keane. He was unique, intelligent, well-informed on current issues, and he had a sense of humor par excellence. Men of the Knights of Columbus took turns keeping vigil. this image of some of the local Knights of Columbus found here Along with the Knights, parishioners also took turns keeping vigil  through the night, lasting till 10:30 a.m. and the funeral at 11:00 a.m. Today our church was packed to say our farewells and convey our respect and love for this wonderful priest.      Remembered Joy Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free! I follow the plan God laid for me. I saw His face, I heard His call, I took His hand and left it all... I could not stay another day, To love, to laugh, to work or play; Tasks left undone must stay that way. And if my parting has left a void, Then fill it with remembered joy. A friendship shared, a...

Shadow Shot Sunday 2: Bending Trees

bending tree shadows befuddling my perception yet intriguing me linked with delight to Shadow Shot Sunday 2 hosted this week by the talented Gemma Wiseman