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Signs, Signs: Mile Marker

White River Greenwayinformative mile marker
whew, forty six miles!

visit Signs, Signs
hosted by Lesley 


Susan Demeter said…
That is definitely a good land mark for a hike! :)
genie said…
Now, this is a nice marker...fits right in with the area. Great find.
That's very neat to make the marker signs fit in with the surroundings on the trail. You didn't walk or bike the whole thing did you? Because if you did I might not be able to talk to you any more ;>)...I'd be lucky if I could get 46 yards probably.
RedPat said…
Good way of marking the miles!
Lesley said…
much nicer than a wooden board!
Nonnie said…
picture me grinning, a really big one! I started at mile 44, Sallie!
Tanya Breese said…
did you walk all 46? ;)
Anonymous said…
Of all the years I've lived in the Indy area, I have never seen one of these! Guess I'm not walking on the right trails! ;-)

Nonnie said…
This one is located in Muncie, exact area is Westside Park. I like it because wooden signs will eventually rot and metal signs rust.
Nonnie said…
I agree. It's a hiking trail; parts are by White River and others wind through the countryside whereas once the railroads were located.

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