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Showing posts from July 5, 2015


window reflection gives an added perspective to what we observe more mirror images  at James'  WEEKEND REFLECTIONS #302 Hoosier Quote: “A theory is no more like a fact  than a photograph is like a person.” ~Edgar W. Howe~


exquisite lily displaying your loveliness from the Creator sharing with others at radiant Rebecca's   HAIKU MY HEART Hoosier Quote: " Writing is a pleasant disease.” ~ Max Ehrmann ~

SIGNS, SIGNS: Minnetrista Columns

    majestic columns once stood proudly at entrance of the Frank Ball home    now lends splendor to   Minnetrista Gath’ring Place pride of our city! sharing with Lesley's SIGNS, SIGNS Hoosier Quote: “History is not that which men do worthily, but that which they do successfully.” ~Henry Ward Beecher~


special reunion two branches of our family now so many gone their spirits remain sweet uncle, loving husband pray you’re together  if heaven grants that a mighty fine poker game is open to all Even though a reunion is usually thought to be special.  Looking backwards brings to mind the enormity of its value-  thus it's cherished even more. linking to  A SPIRIT OF SIMPLICITY'S  new meme TUESDAY AFTERNOON Hoosier Quote: “The best thing about the future  is that it comes only one day at a time.” ~Abraham Lincoln~

CARPE DIEM #770 HIKAGE: Bench in Shadows

Inspiration by Kristjaan in the backyard overgrown by ivy my old bike pastoral vista encompassed by the shadows bench… for a respite  sharing with Kristjaan's CARPE DIEM #770 HIKAGE and SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY 2  hosted this week by Gemma Hoosier Quote: “The unthankful heart…discovers no mercies,  but let the thankful heart  sweep through the day and,  as the magnet finds the iron,  so it will find, in every hour,  some heavenly blessings! ~Henry Ward Beecher~