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CARPE DIEM #770 HIKAGE: Bench in Shadows

Inspiration by Kristjaan
in the backyard
overgrown by ivy
my old bike

pastoral vista
encompassed by the shadows
bench… for a respite 

sharing with Kristjaan's


hosted this week by Gemma

Hoosier Quote:
“The unthankful heart…discovers no mercies, 
but let the thankful heart 
sweep through the day and, 
as the magnet finds the iron, 
so it will find, in every hour, 
some heavenly blessings!
~Henry Ward Beecher~


Loved the photos as always and the haiku was perfect! Bastet
Kay G. said…
Heavenly blessings in every hour...yes!
Every empty, shadowed bench deserves someone to sit on it, don't you think?

Tangled in the Shade
Nonnie said…
thank you, Georgia
Nonnie said…
It's rewarding to me to see some are reading my Hoosier quotes. This quote makes me realize how often I need to be aware of the blessings that surround me.
Ingrid said…
Beautiful picture !
That would be just the bench I would choose after a stroll in the hot sunshine.
Unknown said…
Would like to comment more often but find the denotion ''USA'' here in your link in this international setting inapropriate. The U.S. promoted by you as superior to other societies is mildly offending, and just not true. Sorry.
Nonnie said…
I'm not sure how you infer that I am bragging that my country is superior to others. I can hardly say that with the many problems of my country. If imy love for my country offends you, then skip coming her. But I am proud of my country; I see nothing sinister in celebrating our nation's birthday. I am also proud of my family's immigrants who came here from England, Scotland, Ireland and Germany.
Janice said…
Such a relief to find for those of aged wine age!
Chèvrefeuille said…
A beautiful response Nonnie

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