Am I just paying lip service by saying that I will put my life and my troubles into God's hands? if that is true, I will accomplish nothing this whole year, that much I know through my past, thinking that I am a senior adult and I should be to manage figuring out my troubles however, I have made little progress in handing over these problems: to recover energy for life to lay aside old resentments to rid myself of harbored guilt of the past that cannot be changed to make the decision of whether I want to continue living alone, to perceive if being single is God's will or is His will for me is to open myself to vulnerability and risk rejection when I invite someone into my life after seven years of widowhood, dare I entrust God? dare I not? usually I think when faced with indecision, "what's the worst that can happen?" the only result that I can perceive is that I will continue to live alone please pray for me as I consider surrendering my obstinacy and fear, to ju...