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Showing posts from October 20, 2013

Weekend Reflections #213: Outside My Window

suitable for frame God's magnificent treasure reflected here for me I've shared the setting where I pray. Well, on this particular day, I received this gift for my eyes. The reflection was on a  framed photo with  a lovely evening shot accompanied by Psalm 118:24, one of my favorites. This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Rejoice with me in other lovely sights by visiting James' Weekend Reflections .

Shadow Shot Sunday 2: Deck Chair

viewing dots of light  interposed with chair's shadow attention-grabbing! linking to Shadow Shot Sunday 2 hosted by Chubskulit Rose this week 

Haiku My Heart: Needing Balance

Comforting water Soothing my disturbed essence Eager for balance linking to  Haiku My Heart with gratitude hosted by the lovely Rebecca

ABC Wednesday: October Prayer Setting

October's beauty displayed at my prayer setting delightful scen'ry ABC Wednesday , always enjoyable hosted by Roger, founded by Mrs. Nesbitt

ABC Wednesday: October

fleur-de-lis symbol of Boy Scouts October linking with great pleasure to ABC Wednesday hosted by Roger, founded by Mrs. Nesbitt The following explanation about the symbol used by Boy Scouts came from Wikipedia. Other uses of the fleur-de-lis can be found here . The fleur-de-lis is the main element in the logo of most Scouting organizations, representing a major theme in Scouting: purity and right direction. The  World Scout Emblem  of the  World Organization of the Scout Movement , has elements of which are used by most national Scout organizations. The symbol was chosen by  Sir Robert Baden-Powell  as it had been the arm-badge of those soldiers qualified as "Scouts" (reconnaissance specialists) when he served in the  British Army . The classical description of this shape in Scouting literature connects the compass rose with the purpose of Scouting's principles—namely that Scouting gives one's life direction. The stars stand for truth and knowledge, ...

Autumn Poem

The wind whispers through the maple trees, Turning the leaves over to reveal their silvery glow. As the sunlight hits upon the deck, leafy shadows play. The fragrance of autumn wafts under my nose, Delighting me with all the senses that are the essence of fall.

Gospel Reading: Luke 18:1-8

In today's Gospel reading, Luke 18:1-8,  Jesus told his disciples a parable about the necessity for them to keep praying without becoming fatigued.  I think that we who worship God  should be praying constantly for our President and Congress to accept that the Affordable Care Act disenfranchises those who believe in the right to worship as our Constitution's first amendment states. Here is a prayer given to us by the  United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. I am asking for all of our faith to pray it daily until our government recognizes why we object to this mandate and makes the appropriate changes so that Catholic hospitals  and others who do not accept abortion as a moral act will be excluded from performing abortions. Or pray using your own words, but please pray always. Thank you.