fleur-de-lis symbol of Boy Scouts October linking with great pleasure to ABC Wednesday hosted by Roger, founded by Mrs. Nesbitt The following explanation about the symbol used by Boy Scouts came from Wikipedia. Other uses of the fleur-de-lis can be found here.
The fleur-de-lis is the main element in the logo of most Scouting organizations, representing a major theme in Scouting: purity and right direction. The World Scout Emblem of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, has elements of which are used by most national Scout organizations. The symbol was chosen by Sir Robert Baden-Powell as it had been the arm-badge of those soldiers qualified as "Scouts" (reconnaissance specialists) when he served in the British Army. The classical description of this shape in Scouting literature connects the compass rose with the purpose of Scouting's principles—namely that Scouting gives one's life direction. The stars stand for truth and knowledge, the encircling rope for unity, and its reef knot or square knot, service.[40]
Other uses of the fleur-de-liscan be found here. |
buildings reflected surprise- I'm standing right here but not visible! Our teacher guided us to stand in front of the joint of the two rounded panes of glass, leading us to realize that we cast no reflection. sharing with two of my favorite memes Rebecca's Haiku My Heart and James' Weekend Reflections
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ROG, ABC Wednesday team