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Showing posts from July 12, 2015

HAIKU MY HEART: Shadows on Book

virtues to extol blessed humans to guide us  toward our saintly quest linking to the radiant Rebecca and other like-minded poets at HAIKU MY HEART joining Magical Mystical Teacher and others at SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY 2 Hoosier Quote: “Let the people know the truth  and the country is safe.” ~Abraham Lincoln~

CARPE DIEM #777: Koi

flashes of color!   koi swims in swirling water enchanting my eyes joining with delight other haiku writers at Kristjaan's CARPE DIEM HAIKU Hoosier Quote: “Do not look back on happiness or dream of it in the future.  You are only sure of today; do not let yourself be cheated out of it.” ~Henry Ward Beecher~


petroleum fuels necessary for those in rural areas AgBest : local provider sharing with: ABC WEDNESDAY hosted by Roger created by Mrs. Nesbitt and  Lesley's SIGNS, SIGNS Hoosier Quote: “About the only thing on a farm  that has an easy time is the dog.” ~Edgar W. Howe

TUESDAY AFTERNOON: Our Country Waterfall

country waterfall slaking thirst of birds, koi’s home blissful serenity  sharing at Kara's TUESDAY AFTERNOON Hoosier Quote: “Nothing is so dear  as what you are about to leave.” ~ Jessamyn West ~