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petroleum fuels
necessary for those in
rural areas

AgBest: local provider

sharing with:

hosted by Roger
created by Mrs. Nesbitt



Hoosier Quote:
“About the only thing on a farm 
that has an easy time is the dog.”
~Edgar W. Howe


Tom said…
I have one just like this, it's a bit cheaper to fill this year. Tom The Backroads Traveller
Lesley said…
I'm sure no-one wants to be caught short on this!
Joy said…
Well spotted. The link was interesting, rurally we have a similar company here WCF(west coast farmers) but their logo isnt as interesting as yours. Love that dog quote.
Kate said…
In our world, this is an important product.
Ann said…
A very necessary A, good catch.
Lmkazmierczak said…
Nice find...apt Hoosier quote♪
Gattina said…
Interesting sign !
Reader Wil said…
AgBest is a new word in the ABC meme. Fortunately it has nothing to do with asbestos, which is called asbest in Dutch. Very dangerous stuff.
Have a great week, Nonnie.
Wil, ABCW Team.
Trubes said…
That's not a sign I'm familiar with Nonnie..

Best wishes,
ABCW team
Nonnie said…
thanks, I really like getting feedback on my Hoosier quotes.
Nonnie said…
thanks- I like getting feedback on my Hoosier quotes.
Nonnie said…
I remember getting our tank filled in the summer when the costs were usually lower than in winter. In the winter, our 1/2 mile lane would be full of snow that the truck couldn't make it to our house. brr...
Literally a lifeline!

Su-sieee! Mac said…
I'm fortunate that I don't have to deal with these tanks. :-)

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