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Carpe Diem ~ Tan Renga Challenge Month #VI

the eucalyptus
captures the iridescence
in the morning fog

(c) Steph

Complete the haiku
 with two seven syllable lines to create a tanka.

my eyes besieged with rapture
at the glorious wonder


Anonymous said…
a glorious sight indeed!! :)
cath carbone said…
Je découvre ton blog, j'aime beaucoup ton travail! Des aventures et de très belles photos.
Je suis artiste peintre, photographe amateur; je me suis inscrite pour suivre tes publications!
Je t'invite à me rendre visite sur mes blogs, merci beaucoup et bonne journée! Cath.

HI, I discover your blog that I like very much! adventures and very beautiful photographs.
I am amateur photographer; I was registered to follow your publications
Do not hesitate to visit to me over my blogs, thank you, have a nice day! Cath.
Anonymous said…
A wonder indeed!

The Eucalyptus
J C said…
Great completion Nonnie!
Anonymous said…
this is lovely! i like "besieged with rapture" nice!!
GlorV1 said…
Hi Nonnie. I never heard of "Tanka" and love the idea of seven syllables. Awesome. Thanks.
Chèvrefeuille said…
Welcome Nonnie at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai, very nice to see you visiting Carpe Diem. I love the way how you have completed this Tan Renga (a poem by two poets) You mentioned it a Tanka, Tanka has the same structure but is written by one poet instead of two.
By the way: I am your host at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai. Feel free to visit us again
brudberg said…
Loved that thought.. and through the eyes comes the words
Nonnie said…
I learned about the difference between tan renga and tanka after I had already posted. As a retired teacher, I demonstrated often that it's okay to make a mistake; that's one way we learn. And as a beginner in this form new to me, I may make more mistakes, right? Thanks for visiting me.

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