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Vintage Weekly: A Man and His Car

MG car
before I knew him
loved his car

By the time I met this handsome fella,
he was driving something not sporty,
a very plain black 1957 Chevy.
He and I married in 1958.
We kept the car till 1962
when we were expecting
our third child.
We bought a red (my color idea)
station wagon;
he gave the Chevy to my
younger brother.
He drove it till it was worn down.
All three of us were saddened
to see the '57 Chevy
become a classic in later years.
Who'd a thunk that a car 
so plain looking 
would rise so high?

visit Vintage Weekly



Graham Edwards said…
Perhaps not so high as the beautiful MG though!
Jane said…
Lovely shot and nice car too, thanks for sharing:)
Nonnie said…
You are so right, GB! Our oldest had an MGB 30 years ago, but I was allowed to drive it one time. It was the greatest car I've ever driven! I was driving along, my hubby says to me, "Honey, you're driving ___ mph!" I slowed down immediately. I had no idea because the MGB handles so well and takes curves so easily. :)
Al said…
A classic indeed, and what a great old scanned photo!
Scriptor Senex said…
I love the MG - it was my favourite car and I still miss my Matchbox series model of it! (That was the nearest I got to owning one).
Nonnie said…
Once I got to drive an MGB, but never a beauty like this one! What happened to your Matchbox MG? Did it get lost in a sandbox? I ask that because lots of tea spoons disappeared from the drawer because of my kids using them to dig in the ground and sandbox. :)

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