Sometimes we need a visual reminder that it is time to slow down, to reflect and relax if only for a bit...this shadow is that well placed and well timed reminder of this! Happy New Year!
dear all, i started early friday with such a bright hope for the day. so many haiku to visit, so many bright promises to fulfill. my day turned quickly on its heels into what became a living hell. for the last three weeks i have been battling extreme health concerns, i share this only to explain why i have been so hard pressed in visiting and leaving comments. yesterday took me to the very edge and this morning although i made it through an adverse med reaction with horrible vertigo, i am weak and undone. i do not like to write about my health issues, something i combat everyday to stay upright and among the living. but i see more and more of our haiku family dwindling away and i am sure many may have mistaken why, and taken it personally that i have failed to visit. this morning i am going to stay up long enough to be sure you all know that you have brought me comfort in my darkest hours without even knowing. for your kindness and patience i thank you with all my heart.
Oh, Rebecca, I am so sorry for your health problems. I wish you spiritual and physical strength to overcome them. I'm adding you to my prayers right now! May your new year be bright with health and peace.
buildings reflected surprise- I'm standing right here but not visible! Our teacher guided us to stand in front of the joint of the two rounded panes of glass, leading us to realize that we cast no reflection. sharing with two of my favorite memes Rebecca's Haiku My Heart and James' Weekend Reflections
CAPTURED by my camera! my Small Stone for today: Hoosier-land winters, a potpourri of climes , from mild to frigid. Yikes, another storm! Thankfully, I am prepared for a lengthy confinement. with contentment, I'm linking to ABC Wednesday hosted this week by Leslie reminder about my give-away offered here during the Grow Your Blog party!
tulips SOOC time for... The letter for this week is... 't' ! One of my favorite words that begins with 't' is my terrific, titillating and tenacious Siamese kitty Ting Ting , but she is not the subject this week. I present my tulip images. tulips HDR edited on PicMonkey Orton edit follow this link to SOOC Sunday venture over to Rebecca's Postcards from Paradise
i started early friday with such a bright hope for the day. so many haiku to visit, so many bright promises to fulfill. my day turned quickly on its heels into what became a living hell. for the last three weeks i have been battling extreme health concerns, i share this only to explain why i have been so hard pressed in visiting and leaving comments. yesterday took me to the very edge and this morning although i made it through an adverse med reaction with horrible vertigo, i am weak and undone. i do not like to write about my health issues, something i combat everyday to stay upright and among the living. but i see more and more of our haiku family dwindling away and i am sure many may have mistaken why, and taken it personally that i have failed to visit. this morning i am going to stay up long enough to be sure you all know that you have brought me comfort in my darkest hours without even knowing. for your kindness and patience i thank you with all my heart.
May your new year be bright with health and peace.
My Shadow Shots
Happy New Year!