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A Photo A Day: My Daily Sustenance, Day 365

"Please, may I have a little privacy while I'm in here?"

"Am I too high to jump down?"


What a pretty cat you have! You have trained him well ;)
Nonnie said…
thank you, Ruth,but Ting Ting has trained me, rather than I've trained her. she is so nosy that she has to see what's up no matter where I am!
Relyn Lawson said…
I just wanted to pop by and wish you the happiest new year. May your 2013 be full of blessings, laughter, and happy surprises. Thank you for being a blog friend and a joyful part of my life.
you can do it!!! Ting Ting is just gorgeous!
Nonnie said…
Thank you, Relyn. I wish blessings for you and yours in 2013.
GB said…
I am reminded of "What BIG eyes you have Grandmama."

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