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Cool Clicks Thursday:

Transom shares sunlight
where no windows existed
and has character!

transom viewed in dentist's hallway
Below is an explanation of the term 'transom' found on Wikipedia.
In architecture, a transom is the term given to a transverse horizontal structural beam or bar, or to the crosspiece separating a door or the like from a window above it, as opposed to a mullion which refers to a vertical structural member.[1] Transom is also the customary U.S. word used for a transom light, the window over this crosspiece.[1][2] In Britain, the 'transom light' above a door is usually referred to as a "fanlight" if a semi-elliptical shape, and occasionally as an "overlight" or "hopper", or by the French word "vasistas".[3]

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Lmkazmierczak said…
Visiting from Cool Clicks....good eye to think of this♫♪ Here's my effort:
Jori said…
Beautiful!!! You see beauty every where!
carol l mckenna said…
Wonderfully creative photo ~ Great eye you have! Very creative!

(A Creative Harbor) ^_^
hamilton said…
I always liked transom windows - we should bring them back.
GlorV1 said…
Very nice. You do see the beauty in everything. Your photos show it. Have a great rest of the week.
Nonnie said…
thank you for those kind words, Gloria

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