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Graffiti: Art?

Graffiti on bridge,
some believe it an art form,
I like the colors.

more ABC Wednesday

more Walk and Click Wednesdays


Leslie: said…
Sometimes graffiti is very artistic and amazing.

abcw team
carol l mckenna said…
More and more becoming an art form ~ it is in some ways an 'ancient art form' ~ Your photo seems to have very pretty graffiti ~ Great post for ABC ^_^

(A Creative Harbor)

Thanks for coming by ^_^
Richard Lawry said…
To be politically correct let's call it unauthorized art.

An Arkies Musings

photowannabe said…
There are some pretty amazing art works that are seen as graffiti.
Good post.
Carver said…
I like graffiti and definitely consider some of it to be art. I like the one you captured.
Not all graffiti is art, but this appears to be.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Kateri said…
There is some graffiti that is definitely artwork--and I think what is in your photo qualifies!
Anonymous said…
I always call it Street Art, or in this case bridge Art :-)
Annie Jeffries said…
I like graffiti art too. Tagging gives it a bad rap, unfortunately.
Lew said…
Certainly "art" takes many forms and many opinions are formed upon viewing the results! The color is delightful in this one. Many graffiti artists have been tasked with decorating plain concrete walls and bridges around the Washing, DC area. For a different take on "painted" bridges, go to my old posts and Thanks for visiting my double sunrise.
I consider graffiti to definitely be art...depending on what is painted there
Chubskulit Rose said…
I always admire people who can express arts through graffiti.

Catching up with ABC entries.

Rose, ABC Wednesday Team
The Artful Diva said…
I love graffiti art too - I have quite a collection of photos of it.
Lissa Forbes said…
I would agree that sometimes talented artists find their start with graffiti and/or street art. I went to a wonderful street art fair in Denver last year. I like your capture under the bridge, Nonnie. Thanks for joining Walk and Click Wednesdays!

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