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Jax, All Comfy

All comfy is Jax,
 tucked in a drawer left open
by scatty mistress.

Take a peep at these top shots.


NatureFootstep said…
lol. my grandmother once had a cat that gave birth in one. :)
Fran said…
Beautiful cat. I am a sucker for anything that meows.
Nonnie said…
me too, Gracie! plus he is a sweetie!
Nonnie said…
I had just stepped down the hall to get something, came back and there was Jax!
My mom had a cocker spaniel give birth in parents' bed while they were gone.
Unknown said…
Aw, he's a very pretty cat. Make me miss my own striped Jakester kitty.
Anonymous said…
LOVE it! I'm so glad you came by to share on Weekly Top Shot #65!
Anonymous said…
So cute!
GB said…
Cats can always find the comfy places.
Nonnie said…
Indeed they can. Most often his idea of relaxing is laying on my right arm so that I stay put.

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