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My Much-loved Gift of Wellies

enhanced with pink frost at PicMonkey

Wellies, adorned by
pink princess kitties with crowns
apt gift for winter.

My desire for Wellies is well known in my family. I wanted them, but I totally did not expect them for Christmas.  So I was thrilled and excited when I opened my gift.  Wow, not only Wellies, but pink princess kitty ones!  My youngest noted that they were surely bought in the kids' shoe department, but my cousin (who accompanied daughter-in-law when she bought them) said that they were not purchased in said department.  Aha!  So I'm not the only one who would be tickled
PINK on receiving these.  I gave thanks in my head to the gift givers every time I needed to step out in the big snow we received last month and on into this month.  Thank you, middle son and wife!


those are sooooooooo stinkin' cute!!
Sarah Huizenga said…
So cute. It was great that the family came through for you. They are definitely very handy in the snow, if we ever get any. I wind up wearing my Paisley's more for rain than snow :)
Nonnie said…
Sarah, yes, they did! I'm sure I'll be wearing them in the spring rain and its accompanying mud.
GB said…
Absolutely great.....on you! I might get a few strange looks if I wore them.
Fran said…
I have always wanted a pair! That's great that you got them. Enjoy splashing in puddles and walking in snow!
Nonnie said…
thank you, Fran! I intend to do just that!

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