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One Word for 2013

Blogging friend Danielle's post at "Unconventional Photography"
 rekindled something I've been mulling the past few days.  
What?  One word to be the center
 of what I want in the new year of 2013. 
 A journaling friend 
introduced that concept to me some years ago.  
Friend River would provide rocks, paint and supplies
 for each of us to decorate around the word we chose.  
She led off the "rite" by having us sit quietly
 and wait for our word to come to us.  
Interestingly, that worked even for me.  
Two years ago, the word 'trust' repeated in my head.  
So that was my word. 
Sorrowfully, 'trust' didn't stay with me.  
She moved out without giving me notice!
I've been working to entice her back,
she is reluctant.
I have invited someone 
who seems more spiritually-minded, 'entrust'.  
So, 'entrust', welcome and please
make yourself at home in my head!
Your lease is for one year,
or more!

more 'one word'


Unknown said…
I love it, Norma! This is a great word. I think that its relationship to trust is also an important aspect that you will contemplate well this year. Happy New Year, my dear friend! I love you!

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