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Pattern on the walk,
enticing my attention
'way from my walking.

view of downtown sidewalk

walk this way to
Quotography at My Whisperings

“Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time.”
~Steven Wright~


carol daniels said…
That would be a fun sidewalk to walk down. Our sidewalks are cement. And, in keeping with the quote, we could walk anywhere if we would just take the time!
Kaylene said…
It is amazing if you look down at what you can see, just don't bump into anything. Cheers
Nonnie said…
that's my point, Kaylene! if I walked while taking the photo,...disaster!
Andrea said…
Thanks for your visit to my post. I prefer that you got the wide angle shot of these bricks, it would have been more informative, but thanks anyway!
EG CameraGirl said…
Pretty pattern. It reminds me of a basket weave.
Electra said…
What wonderful brickwork!
Marcie said…
Wonderful pattern and texture. Great eye!
Anonymous said…
I just love these kind of photos!!
Halcyon said…
Pretty! It pays to look down sometimes. :)
Lisa said…
A great shot of pattern and texture! My walking shot is of what I found looking down as well.
Christine said…
The geometrical pattern of the sidewalks and pathways can't be fully appreciated unless someone take the time to photograph it :)
Nonnie said…
thank you, Christine I'm thankful I was paying attention.

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