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Action for Animals, an animal group that
does great work in our county
by getting animals adopted
instead of euthanasia being their fate.

Animal lovers
providing adoption for
pets by loving 'peeps'!

venture over to James' Weekend Reflections


Malyss said…
Self-portrait as action girl for pets! :o)
Sylvia K said…
Great reflection for the day and a worth cause as well! Our animals need all the help they can get these days! Enjoy your weekend, Norma!
James said…
Nice reflection and a great cause! We always adopt our pets.
Karen said…
A terrific reflection and a worthwhile organization.
Carol said…
nice shot with a message too!
'Tsuki said…
Getting animals to be adopted is so difficult... All of my cats are adopted ones : I don't like race breeders contest "beasts" ; most of the time they are so unhappy... :/ Human beings are beasts when it comes to making money.
Gemma Wiseman said…
A reflection with a message - an important message! Lovely!
Nefertiti said…
l arroseur arrose ;o)
Nonnie said…
both my kitties and my youngest son's kitty came through this organization.
Carver said…
Great reflection.

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