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Wordle 90

 Awake and listen; I hear mirth!
Giddy giggling that is contagious.
Take a breath, you may want to join it!
Aah, don’t be bitter just because that 
venture into laughter didn’t begin with you.
Perhaps that first step into merriment
will lead you to the clarity that
life is more than a tumult, more than
what you now view as a tormenting fire within your soul.
Lean a bit closer, don’t you want to feel that way, 
that life can be a practice in the blending of tragedy and comedy?

linked to The Sunday Whirl for Wordle 90


Jules said…
I once sang a piece that said we have two ears and one mouth so we should listen twice as hard.

Thanks for your visit and comment.
Mama Pajama said…
laughter...the best medicine.

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