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Wordle 91: A Verse

Verse of A Disappointing Life
The drunk woke to find himself in a ditch at the bends of the river near the palace.  
Virtue lived in no room in his life.  
His mind was diminishing because of his intake of alcohol.  
He had once had a wish to take the steps to redeem himself of the wounds his family had endured through his breaks of promises.  
Now if only a tale or poetry could set the scene aright! 
Alas, it would take more than words to weave the family together again.

more Wordle 91


GlorV1 said…
Great writing Norma. I like a glass of wine now and them. :) Have a great day.
Nonnie said…
I'm allowed one glass of wine a week. (Oliver's is my favorite red wine. It's made in Bloomington, IN.) Thank you for your kind words.
Jules said…
Thank you for your visit to my concrete wordle. I like how the list takes us to different places. One would like to think there is always hope for reconciliation. But the truth is that one has to recognize the problem first.

I used to live in Indianapolis. But that was over 20 years ago.
The saddest phrase in the English language is "If only..."

Whirling with Bram Stoker
J Cosmo Newbery said…
It alwas amazes me how we all come up with different views and responses to the same dozen words!
GB said…
Only one wine a week?
GB said…
Now that I'm up to date I should compliment you on the new banner heading. It reminds me of the Bluebell Woods I used to walk through as a youngster.
Nonnie said…
I took bits and pieces from my childhood experiences. not the palace, of course!
Indy has grown by leaps and bounds since then. I like it to visit, but I couldn't abide the traffic on a daily basis.

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