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ABC Wednesday: G is for Grandeval

G, for grandeval,
an age group in which many
would likely place me.

What is amusing
to me is a granddaughter 
says that I'm not old.

However, she calls
 her momma an old woman!
Age, relative term?

From The Phrontistery comes the definition of grandeval: 
of great age, ancient

more 'g' words here


age is just a number?
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Ann said…
I agree with Roger, my grandma who lived to 97 said he always felt 16 in her mind, her body just got older.
Tania said…
I also agree with Roger. I never grew up:-)
Chubskulit Rose said…
It's just a number. I still feel I am in the twenties although I am turning 40 hehehe..

Gums and Gummies
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team.
GB said…
My Mum at 93 said the same as Roger's Mum except that she used the age 18. I wonder what age I'll use if I ever get there. I wonder what age I'd use now come to think of it.

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