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ABC Wednesday: the Letter 'D'

Here are the companions on my late husband's chair waiting for his return. Both Slick  the cockatiel and Dakota the Siamese grieved when my husband died.  Because Slick was allowed out of his cage whenever someone was at home, he walk down the hallway, looking for Charles.  Dakota did the same.  A member of our family who taught science in high school offered to adopt Slick.  He thrived in the classroom because I'd had him in my classroom until I retired just seven months before Charles' death.
more Cool Clicks Thursday
'D' for Dakota,
dearly departed feline,
graceful cat, he's missed.

more words at ABC Wednesday
more feline images here


Carver said…
Very touching story. Animals do grieve. I've seen that myself. Carver, ABC Wed. Team
mrsnesbitt said…
How very poignant and moving. I have 2 chairs which were my mum and dad's. I can picture them sitting in them now. Dad died in 1986, mm in 1994. We have the chairs in our home now and are a source of comfort. If I am worried I always imagine mum or dad sitting in the chair ansd sharing my thoughts.
In another post today somebody used theor "Dining Room" as a subject - I said how fascinating to do the next round based around our homes. What do you think?
Thanks so much for this post, it is very humble and moving.
Denise ABC Team
sensitive cats
sorry for your loss

ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Berowne said…
Tender and affecting...
Leslie: said… wishes to you,

abcw team
Nonnie said…
I, after decades, can still picture my mom in her high back chair looking so regal to me. Thanks for the kindling my warm memory with your recollection of your parent's chairs.
I like the idea of things around our home. Thank you for the kind words.
NatureFootstep said…
sure, that was a cool click. :)
carol l mckenna said…
Loving tribute to your dear husband and cat ~ wonderful post ~ part of life that hurts ~
Carol of (A Creative Harbor) ^_^
GB said…
The cat and the cockatiel getting on together amazed me.
cute pics! from my cat?? :)
Kathe W. said…
animals grieve also and help us when a loved one dies.
Sandee said…
A sad story, but heartwarming too. Animals are just one of the greatest gifts.

Have a terrific day. ☺

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