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Himmelsk: Through My Windshield

Cloudy vista seen
seen through my frosty windshield,
as if painted art.

other heavenly sights
can be seen at Himmelsk.

more haikus can be savored at Haiku My Heart

more Weekly Top Shot #70



Laura said…
beautiful how the windshield or window adds to an image. Lovely haiku, perfect.
Annemor said…
Like your icy photo.
Have a nice evening.
Karen said…
Frost is nature's art. Nice haiku and photo.
Annie Jeffries said…
Nice effect compliments of mother nature.
Steffi said…
Very beautiful photo!
Sandee said…
Looks mighty cold too. Great shot.

Have a fabulous day. ☺
betty-NZ said…
Nicely done! It does look like art!
rebecca said…
dear nonnie,

it is 25 degrees here and the stars seem to shimmer in the cold, just as i am shivering waiting for the sun. your haiku is beautiful, as is your ability to find beauty everywhere. thanks for warming my heart and for forgiving me for my very late arrival.

Nonnie said…
thank you, Rebecca, for such kind words! when I try so hard to weave the words in order to touch others, at the same time, I am concerned about vanity. it's a difficult balance to keep.
Anonymous said…
Very expressionistic photo for WTS ^_^
Nancy said…
Love the perspective from inside the car...great shot!
Anonymous said…
Chilly and beautiful... I'm so glad you came by to share on Weekly Top Shot #70!
Anonymous said…
Oh that's so cold looking! You captured the feeling perfectly!


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