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Macro Monday: Where's Waldo?

Where's Waldo, I ask?
Vision blurred, I wonder what
is this I'm seeing?

Clicking on thumbnail,
the view enlarges to an
image of a bird!

There's Waldo!

more Macro Monday images


Anonymous said…
How fun! I love Where's Waldo. It kept my son entertained for years.
Meghan said…
Very camouflaged.
Al said…
What a cute bird. Waldo has a different meaning out here these days after the Waldo Canyon Fire last summer, but it's perfect for this post :)
Carletta said…
This little Junco does tend to blog in doesn't he!
Waldo the Junco! :)
momto8 said…
he is hiding on one of the many where's waldo books on my kids shelves.
Scriptor Senex said…
I've taken plenty like that in the past!
Hootin Anni said…
Looks like a dark junco. I like the image, so well camouflaged.
Carver said…
Sweet shot of the little junco. They come on my deck a lot and blend into the wood.
Nonnie said…
sometimes I felt like was cross-eyed looking for Waldo! I love that your kids have books.

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