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Prayer to St. Anthony Answered

We of the Catholic faith have many saints.  More than a few are known to those of other faiths, as St. Christopher, St. Francis of Assisi and St. Patrick. The ten most popular saints are featured here.  Many Americans will be celebrating Valentine's Day.  St. Valentine was executed on February 14 in the year 270 A.D.  I have been known to call on one particular saint (St. Anthony, patron saint of lost things and people) when I have lost an item and am frustrated in my inability to find it.  
This leads to my asking the help of St. Anthony each day since my beloved rascal Ting got out unbeknownst to me this past Friday evening.  I had hosted a book club gathering in my home.  I remember standing at the door as my friends left.  I had already shooed Ting away from the door, but apparently she sneaked behind and past me.  Later as I was readying myself for bed, I did my check under my bed because Ting likes to run ahead of me to settle there.  No Ting, so I went to bed, thinking she was in her second favorite place, in my computer room.
The next morning I could not find her ANYWHERE!  So, on come my Wellies and my raincoat.  I strolled around the entire perimeter of my home calling her name.  No meowing heard, and no Ting. Every few minutes I opened my door and called her name.  Later that day I went door-to-door in my immediate neighborhood with a photo of Ting.

 One neighbor said her granddaughter had seen a cat when she walked the grandmother's dog.  That was probably a cat who runs loose in our park.  On Sunday my daughter could hear the meowing, but it was too cold to take one of the pieces of the neighbor's underskirt (this is a mobile home park) off for us to get a better look.  {Oh,yes, BTW I have continued to pray to St. Anthony for his intercession.}  
The weather today was warmer, and my youngest son took off needed piece for us to get a better view under the neighbor's home.  Jeremy crawled under; he heard Ting, but she had crept into the insulation and he couldn't get to her.  We checked intermittently to see if Ting had moved to the opening.  After Jeremy went home, I went to Dollar General.  While there, a light bulb lit up in my brain, "Buy a can of turkey cat food!"  I figure that was the work of St. Anthony because he has let me down only once. (That could be another tale.)  Immediately upon arriving home, I opened the can and and laid it in front of the opening.  About ten minutes later as I was walking by a window and talking to my daughter, I shrieked, "I see Ting!  I'll talk later."  I sauntered over to Ting as she's nibbling on the food. (She's dainty, you know.)  Talking sweetly to her all the while, I move the can so she must move completely from under the house. Then I pick her up along with the food.  I'm telling her how much I have missed her.  Jax has too!  He has been complaining about her absence.  So Jax and I are happy campers!  I have said my thanks to St. Anthony.  
blessed be


no wonder I didn't see this!! I follow your other blog and you haven't posted about Ting. THANK GOODNESS SHE IS HOME SAFE AND SOUND!!
I think she really scared herself to be hiding like that.
I am soooooo happy she is home and I know that you are too!
Give her TONS of kisses from me!
The Artful Diva said…
Saints behold - I'm glad your kitty was found - I'm a believer!
Norma Ruttan said…
I understand. I'm giving my spiritual side a chance. I must have patience, a virtue that needs work in me. I will give Ting your kisses and mine. what a relief!
Norma Ruttan said…
oh, and I'd love for you to follow!
Reader Wil said…
How wonderful that you found your cat! It's so sad if you lose a pet.
Thanks for your visit and kind comment!
Wil, ABCW Team.

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