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Shadow Shot: Downtown

Downtown buildings,
lovely vintage architecture,
hoping for renewal of shopping.
Done in by cookie-cutter malls.
Hope springs eternal by the council.
Dreaming of ways to draw
the retailers once more.
Vintage people like myself
picture themselves walking and greeting
in a more relaxed venue.
more shadow images

more SOOC Sunday shots


robin. said…
yes the box stores have taken a toll on downtown's.
LOVE the robin in your header!!!
A great shot there Norma, I love the shapes that the lights form :)
carol l mckenna said…
Neat building shot for shadows ~

Carol of: (A Creative Harbor) ^_^
Simon said…
I like this photo. Has a sense of mystery about it. There is a city not too far from me with similar feel. I don't "do" malls. I might visit one every couple years only of necessity. I hate to see shopping plazas go up, because I see their impending death 20 years later-vacant and unwanted as people push to the next best thing. Maybe they'll push back to these this time.
Nonnie said…
I wish they would; I hate going to the mall. Most products are overpriced.
Gemma Wiseman said…
I like the sense of these giants of old worlds waiting for another chance to be a part of the community! Impressive!

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