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Signs: Armed Forces Career Center

An enlistment center,
so many choices in the military,
Army, Navy, Air Force,
Marines and Coast Guard.
Enticed with money for schooling.
Young people given opportunities,
hopes for a future.
Do many answer the call?

more Signs


Anonymous said…
Let's hope they never stop answering the call.

Thanks for your visit and comment on my sign.

Halcyon said…
It can be a good choice for some. I'm glad there are still brave Americans ready to answer that call.
Jim said…
Something we don't see here in Aus.
Lesley said…
It wouldn't be my choice of career, but I am awfully glad that so many others do.
Andy said…
The world is violent place and armed forces are necessary.
Tanya Breese said…
my husband was in the marine corps...such a scary time now for the military...
Nonnie said…
how does Australia arm their military, through just volunteer?
Nonnie said…
I agree, Tanya. Bless those who served and bless their families.
Nonnie said…
sadly, so true, Andy.

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