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Wordle 97: The Divine Visit

In just one moment
after gazing  into the face
of the Divine Mother, 
I realized that the prophets’ heroic
words had not described her
beauty and gentleness, only her power.
My eyes filled with tears of joy, my heart overflowed
with sublime certainty 
that there were no limits
to the possibility of her celestial intervention.
The discipline of my  patience wore thin at the desire of 
stealing one more look at her immaculate self.
She had taken pieces of my heart with her when 
she seemed to fly back to her heavenly home.
Was I being selfish about wanting more than one visit? 
Time passed and after the euphoria eased, gratitude enveloped me and I gave thanks for the wonderment of my blissful gift.


Norma Ruttan said…
thank you, Hettienne, for the kind words!
Jules said…
May we each in what ever faith we have be able to define and remember such wondrous moments.

Thanks for your visit to my wordle. :)
Triangles of Prayer said…
Very lovely poem, Norma. We re-posted it on our prayer board--with attribution and a link back to this page, of course. If that's not okay, just let us know.

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