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Entreaty to Mary

Entreaty to Mary
oh, Mother Mary, show me the path
to holiness, the one you traveled, 
so long ago.  
your faith was fervent, 
you accepted as truth  the message 
from the angel Gabriel,
and kept straight your role
of Virgin Mother of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ.
be of assistance to me so I may become
more steadfast in my belief, 
to see my role of evangelizing
the Gospel to those in need,
be they family, friends or strangers.
lend your hand to me when I waver
so that I stay true to my God.

linking to Rebecca's 
Postcards from Paradise
for the first time


rebecca said…
dear nonnie,
i have a deep heart for mary and your images and prayer are a respite of peace i am grateful to rest in.
thank you for a hand extended and a heart open.
somepinkflowers said…
{{ to think
on this--->
""those in need""
is one fine way
to find paradise on earth
i do believe ... }}
Norma Ruttan said…
thank you, Rebecca, for taking my hand!
gma said…
Lovely images and words from your heart...

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