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Macro Monday: Snowfall

frost edit at PicMonkey
I couldn't decide if I liked it...
or not.

snow drifts down,
blanketing the ground
frosty loveliness.

linking to Lisa's Macro Monday
and sharing at Weekly Top Shot
                    Haiku My Heart
               SOOC Sunday


GB said…
Captured snow or rain is always fascinating.
I think it looks pretty "cool" :)
Indrani said…
They will make beautiful cards!
rebecca said…
gorgeous with your sparkly haiku!
Annie Jeffries said…
Intriguing visual. It looks like an open door in the far distance showing the way to safety.
Gemma Wiseman said…
Deep mellow light and the touches of white falling snow create a little bit of magic!
Priti Lisa said…
The snow lingers here too,
yesterday, today and another storm tomorrow.
I like that you didn't whine about the weather, Norma,
you just captured the beauty of it.
Living in the moment and not wishing your life away.
Good lesson for everyone.
Spring will arrive soon enough
when she is ready.
Anonymous said…
Lovely snow pictures! We're getting more snow again today. It seems like winter just doesn't want to go away this year.

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