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Mary Shrine

I added the arrow to this image to point out
the exact shrine piece made by Hettienne.
Hettienne has an Etsy shop.
Visit there if you have a special devotion to Mary.
She is a talented artist.
An exquisite sacred shrine
honoring the faith
of our Blessed Mother Mary
now graces my home altar

thanks to the gifted hands
of Hettienne at "Her Grace" found here

Exquisite Virgin,
faith-filled, divine Madonna
guide my errant heart.

help your heart shine by visiting here

linked to Weekly Top Shot here


gma said…
Hi Nonnie,
Hettienne is wonderful. I know her.
Lovely shrine she gifted you.
We all need a guide. I suspect you can trust yours without reservation.

After Morning Rain
Meri said…
What a treasure to have in your home -- it's spirit-filled, for sure.
Barbara said…
Beautiful tribute to the 'Lady.'
Annie said…
Hettienne is so gifted. I love following her. What a treasure you have. Beautiful images of Our Lady.
Priti.Lisa said…
Hi Norma, Your comment on my blog touched me so...
I was just thinking of you...
I know Hettienne for forever (it seems)
Just incredible how life unfolds, isn't it?
Beautiful altar and haiku.

i am so happy she made it safely all the way from South Africa! The shrine looks beautiful on your Mary shelf, blessings
peggy gatto said…
I am so glad I found you and your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dawn Elliott said…
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your would fit perfectly into my house, too!
Lea said…
Dear Nonnie, these offerings of your heart, sips from this bottle of faith that you share, are lovely. Hettienne's artwork looks so at home with the other pieces, and in the reflection of your haiku. Thank you so! XO
Lea said…
Dear Nonnie, these offerings of your heart, sips from this bottle of faith that you share, are lovely. Hettienne's artwork looks so at home with the other pieces, and in the reflection of your haiku. Thank you so! XO
rebecca said…
thank you nonnie for including us in your beautiful prayer.
i am blessed to know you.
Madge Bloom said…
Beautiful artwork of faith... I'm so glad you came by to share on Weekly Top Shot #73!
Genie Robinson said…
Norma...I still do not understand this Google + thing, but this morning I clicked on the red numeral at the top of my blog and different posts from my friends came this one. This is a beautiful example of a homemade shrine to the Blessed Mother. I am reading a book on my Kindle now entitled "A Right to Be Merry" by Sister Mary FrancIs. It tells us all about the Poor Clares, the contemplative, cloistered nuns and the wonderful lives they lead inside the walls of their convents. It is the most wonderful book and I would recommend it to anyone. It is so uplifting and is always making reference to the Blessed Mother. genie

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