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Mornings with Mary

My post is dedicated to my cousin Rosemary, who died 
unexpectedly this past Thursday, March 21, 2013 
and to her family.

The verse below was written originally

 for a friend who suffered the death of a son.

Mary, Virgin Mary, Miriam,

Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, 
Or, as she’s called by the faith of Islam, Maryam.
However you address her ,
her aid is nearby.
As has been said before,
and most likely will be again,
these times are hard.
So hard that even as adults, 
we seek our mother’s comforting touch.  
May our loving Mother
bring whatever is needed
for the peace of Christ
To dwell in your family’s hearts and home.

others who share love for 
our Blessed Mother 

head over to Weekly Top Shot #76


Gloria in CA said…
Hi Norma. Beautiful post and prayer. My condolences to you. Sorry to hear about your cousin. ::hugs::
rebecca said…
may your cousin rosemary know exquisite peace.
may her friends and family find joy in memories shared.
may we all grow in our capacity to love and live life straight from our hearts.
Norma Ruttan said…
thank you, Rebecca.
Norma Ruttan said…
Gloria, I appreciate that.
Lenora said…
humble condolences - may peace come to those with whom you share your innermost sorrows your most personal joys
Norma Ruttan said…
thank you for your kind words, Lenora.
foxysue said…
Dear Norma, I do hope you are feeling the love of this circle of carers. As you say no matter our age we all seek the comfort of mother and especially when one of our immediate family passes, my own mother died on 21 March a week after my youngest son was born, he is 34 now, I still miss her! x
Lizbethem said…
A lovely prayer and thoughtful post. I offer my condolences on your loss.xx
Donna said…
I am sorry for your loss know that Rosemary is in the arms of Blessed Mother Mary now.
Lots of healing hugs to you in your loss ~ life can be so fleeting and fragile sometimes ~ Thanks for the reminder of the Divine within all of us ~
Norma Ruttan said…
Rosemary once told me that she knew she would go to heaven. Despite her assurance, I am praying for her soul. It bothers me that we don't know why she died. I know that I will have to let it go...
rebecca said…
first monday in april...i am sharing a precious link that i know you will love!

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