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Not Yet Spring

In spite of the calendar's label that 
spring is here,
the weather shouts otherwise!
snowy tree,
splendidly arrayed
nature's gift.

alas, iciness
from old man Winter prevails,
no matter the date!


EG CameraGirl said…
Very pretty to my eyes even if it is officially spring.
Karen said…
I love snow, lovely shots. Ours is melting.
Carver said…
It may not be spring but it's beautiful.
Simon said…
Yup. I hear you. I'm hoping we're done here, because I was long ago. I like that first image with the snow laden trees. That is the time to catch beauty, before it all turns gray, brown, and messy. Wishing you spring and no more snow.
that's the price that we have to pay for barely having any snow last year!
Nonnie said…
so true, Caren!
Nonnie said…
and I wish the same for you! snow is beautiful, but I'm rather tired of it.
Nonnie said…
so true, Carver!
GB said…
I've been away but have now caught up. I can't believe the weather in much of Europe and the US but on Lewis and here in NZ (my two homes0 it's glorious.
Nonnie said…
When I was describing your homes to a family member, I mentioned the weather factor. Your havens are my ideal.

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