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Palettes of Diversity at IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital

A few weeks ago I visited a friend who 
had knee surgery at our local hospital.
As I was walking through the 
reception area, ready to go to my car,
I glanced at the wall. I paused, 
feeding my spirit with the images 
I will share with you.  
The titles of each art piece gave
me a different slant
on our human tendency 
to categorize and put
people and conditions
into labeled, neat boxes.

Whatever disability one may have,
it is more helpful to consider
what is one's ability.

Fam'ly roots,
firmly connected
in Indiana.

Mental illness, a category
filled with fear and misunderstanding.
Apprehensive as I list Prozac as one
of my medications
on the employment
News about one more person
brought vividly to our attention
that this someone had been taking Prozac
when he ...
Worried about who is allowed
to read this.  Will this cause me
not to be hired?
All these words played the worst scenarios
in my angst-ridden mind.
Yet, as I sat in the interview with Sister principal
and the sister whose slot I would fill,
a spirit of calmness came over me.
I drove home is a serene state.
Perhaps I had finally recalled my prayer to God.
"Please, God, I need a job.
I leave it up to you where I will teach."
He placed me where I was meant
to be, St. Mary School.

poverty, all black and white?
in Bible Study, we learn that the
person rich with material wealth
can be
in spiritual


Inspiring! ^_^

Finally ~ got back online after a week without service ~ Lovely post and pics ~ Happy Week ^_^

Thanks for your comments ~ will have new post up soon ^_^
Norma Ruttan said…
I get upset when just a site is down, especially my bank's site. A week, wow!

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