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Prayer: Why Light Candles?

SOOC image
I edited this image to bring home
the concept of prayers needed.
Why do we Catholics light candles in church?
Being  a convert, I knew that it was the custom
 to light a candle when praying
but I had not looked into the origin
of it.  Most people I know like 
to light candles for ambiance.
But why light them in church?
I got me to the Catholic site,
A Catholic Life,
 instead of to a nunnery!
(play on words from Shakespeare's "Hamlet")
 But what spurred me to think 
about prayer and candles,
then post about it?
 There are two sites from whom I receive emails.
One site I discovered on Facebook 
when this was posted:
"Vatican announces date for 
election by cardinals."
It led me to... 
a Novena (consisting of special prayers 
or services on nine successive days) 
would be prayed for the conclave.
I  earnestly believe  in prayer 
so I joined that site in the praying.
Since our new pope has been elected,
we will now pray for him.
The other site (There Will Be Bread) that brought prayers
to my attention were the many people
who commented on praying
for the new Pope.
It isn't that I haven't been praying;
I started praying for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI 
as soon as he  announced his retirement.
Knowing that an election 
would be held to elect a new pope,
I started praying for
the Holy Spirit
to guide the Cardinals 
in their weighty decision.

How do I feel about the Cardinals' choice?  
I am not a theologian nor do I dare judge.
Here's my first reaction to 
hearing the news..."Habemus Papam!"

I had seen that a pope was elected first on Facebook.  
Immediately I turned on the TV to the news channel.  
The video of the announcement that 
"WE HAVE A POPE!" played, 
and then our new pope spoke.  
I too (as a commenter wrote) 
had tears running down my cheeks. 
Relief? Joy? I don't know for sure, but I do know 
that our society 
with which all must be had NOW!  As in...instant oats,
IMs, drive-throughs, fast foods, Smart Phones,
and on and on... 
Surely I am not the only adult
who feels that we humans
 are on wrong track with multi-tasking
and instant gratification.
  Of course, Pope Francis has a lot on his plate. 
We Americans know that only too well. 
But if one is true to one's Catholic beliefs, 
one will give our new Church leader 
(who is, after all, 
the successor to Peter)
a chance to take a breath, 
entrust himself to the Holy Spirit, 
and get on with his vocation. 
I will pray for Pope Francis, 
just as I prayed for the conclave of Cardinals,
to be guided by the Holy Spirit.


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