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Shadows in Church

double shadows viewed,
one branch divine, one branch man?
the cross of our Lord.

pursue other shadows with me
at Shadow Shot Sunday

Each Friday in Lent,
Catholics practice a devotion
called The Stations of the Cross
or The Way of the Cross.
Each of 14 "steps"
follows Jesus'
path to Golgotha,
then concludes
with Jesus' being laid in the tomb.
For me, I find this devotion a way
to allow myself to feel more
in tune with Jesus' suffering.
He told us to pick up our cross
and follow Him.
Each of us has our own cross to bear.
If we can picture Jesus beside us with his,
perhaps that image will lighten our load.

Want to dig deeper?

Detailed description of
The Way of the Cross can be found here

I wish each of you a blessed weekend.


Paula Scott said…
What a beautiful church! Reminds me of our Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Love the shadows too.
Norma Ruttan said…
thank you, Paula; it's been my home base since 1986.
Gemma Wiseman said…
The interior of the church is so very beautiful! The colours, lighting and shadow are magical!
Kay G. said…
We also have the Stations of the Cross in our Episcopal Church.
Your church building is very beautiful.

Ralph said…
Jesus has provided the most wonderful gift - salvation. He died for us, assuming a most terrible Roman death for us. The stations - who of us could possibly endure such. Yet, the stations do remind us of sacrifice that was willingly endured. For everyone...this is a beautiful post!
LV said…
Norma Ruttan said…
You are so right, Ralph, thank you.
Chubskulit Rose said…

Shadow Shots
Your comment is always appreciated.
robin. said…
Lovely shot..
Dressed for Easter.

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