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ABC Wednesday: Miniature

These are regular-sized daffodils. 
Below are the mini-size daffodils.
Both bring a shot of cheer to my spirit!

Miniature gems
bring renewal to my faith,
belief in rebirth.

 linking to ABC Wednesday


Oooo! Love the mini daffodils for 'M' ~ Lovely photography ^_^
Leslie: said…
I planted regular-sized ones last fall and they are marvelous! Maybe I should plant some minis in among them for next year!

abcw team
Norma Ruttan said…
That sounds like a marvelous idea, Leslie!
We have some pretty, tiny purple flowers on the lawn. Hope the Daughter picks them before I have to mow!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Ann said…
My daffodils are up now and we are enjoying them. Never had mini ones.
Oh, love the two shots side-by-side. Spring really is a Marvelous time of year, full of new promise and beginnings!
Joy said…
Daffodils are lovely whatever the size and bring the joy of spring. One of the villages near me planted a sweeping row of miniature daffodils by the side of the road and they survived best in the recent snow.
Norma Ruttan said…
that is indeed happy news!
Chubskulit Rose said…
Lovely spring blooms Norma!

Making my rounds for letter M.
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team
Lea said…
Hello Nonnie, these bright gems do bring renewal and the promise of life a-new. I don't know if my response to your comment on spring greening reached you... this labyrinth can be walked now, but with the poppies about to burst into bloom, it is more a feast for the eye, and can be walked again when they cycle back into seed. It is like these daffodils announcing that Winter is over!

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