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ABC Wednesday: Nestled

photo edited
with Lomo technique
on PicMonkey

cat nestled,
unafraid in yard
of neighbor.

linking to ABC Wednesday
The first time I sighted this Siamese 
as I was exiting my car, I wondered
if Ting had sneaked out 
when I left home.
I rushed inside looking for her.
And there she was, safely inside.
So I went back out 
and snapped this image.


Leslie: said…
It looks very comfie.

abcw team
Love the contrast!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Carver said…
Great shots of the cat nestled in the yard. My neighbor's cats nestle unafraid in my yard but they scare the birds. Carver, ABC Wed. Team
Scriptor Senex said…
Good job it wasn't Ting!
Nonnie said…
yes, indeed, John! she caused enough of a stir when she did sneak out!
Nonnie said…
so far the cat hasn't lounged in my yard, thank goodness, because I have a bird feeder!
what a cute kitty! Ok...I am nervous seeing that plant on your header. Hoping that is not at your house. That type of plant is HIGHLY TOXIC to cats.....sorry
Nonnie said…
Caren, the lily is in my home; I did not know that the lily is poisonous to cats or I would not have bought it. yikes! It is no longer there. Thankfully, neither kitty was attracted to it. thank you for the information
I am glad it wasn't your cat
Nonnie said…
thank you, Kara
Chubskulit Rose said…

Festival of Nation

Catching up with letter N before O arrives.
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

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