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Himmelsk: Windy Day

flag waving,
one more windy day,
so weary of it!

linking to heavenly Himmelsk


HansHB said…
A great sky-post!
Karen said…
Nice blue sky though!
Ann said…
I've seen lots of flags flying at half-staff over the last few days. What a sad week in our country.
Nonnie said…
yes, I have too. this was taken earlier in the month before our recent tragedies.
Wind does tend to wear me down as well. You think it's going to be beautiful out...but the wind is still cold. I live where there is almost always some sort of a wind...on the ocean.
GB said…
The wind is so debilitating particularly if one has to work in it.
Nonnie said…
so true, Graham. When I was a teenager, my mom was friends with the men who built our town's water tower, wind was the one thing they dreaded when up in the air doing their building.

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