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Mornings with Mary: St. Bernadette

Many years ago
I took the name Bernadette,
for Confirmation.

I chose her name because
she had strong faith and courage.

Bernadette unschooled,
 was blessed (or cursed, some might say)
with the vision of our Mother.
She bore ridicule and unbelief by the local priest.
Some in the village
thought she should be put away;
they thought she was mentally ill.
She was even threatened with being arrested.

At one of her visions,
Mary told Bernadette
that she was the Immaculate Conception.
This was a term
with which Bernadette would not be familiar.
Bernadette never faltered
in her telling of what
she had seen.
More about Bernadette may be seen here.
The Soubirous Family.
Bernadette is circled.


This image of Bernadette in her coffin is from this site.

View others' Mornings with Mary
at Rebecca's
Recuerda Mi Corazon


Lizbethem said…
Bernadette's encounter with Our Lady deserves a retelling and you did it beautifully.xx
rebecca said…
dear nonnie,
thank you for being here and sharing the story of bernadette. i love that you chose her name for your confirmation. such a beautiful and loyal soul, so fitting for you dear friend!
being with you here is a bright blessing.
Norma Ruttan said…
thank you, Rebecca!

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