when their blossoms open white? By day the sun shall be sentry, and the moon and the stars by night!” ~Bayard Taylor ~ Read about the poet at Wikipedia. visit Quotography for more flower quotes
CAPTURED by my camera! my Small Stone for today: Hoosier-land winters, a potpourri of climes , from mild to frigid. Yikes, another storm! Thankfully, I am prepared for a lengthy confinement. with contentment, I'm linking to ABC Wednesday hosted this week by Leslie reminder about my give-away offered here during the Grow Your Blog party!
buildings reflected surprise- I'm standing right here but not visible! Our teacher guided us to stand in front of the joint of the two rounded panes of glass, leading us to realize that we cast no reflection. sharing with two of my favorite memes Rebecca's Haiku My Heart and James' Weekend Reflections